Download our app
The highest-rated parking app in Ireland. Parking Tag makes it easy to find & pay for parking, locate shared mobility services, and save with exclusive offers.
- Pay for parking in seconds
- Use with or without an account
- Subscribe to off-street parking
- Find accessible parking spaces
- Add multiple vehicles
- Locate nearby shared transport
- Access exclusive offers
Your parking options
Flexible ways to use our parking service, with or without an account
Register for an account
For 99c per month/per vehicle you can:
- Pay on our app, SMS or IVR (phone call)
- Edit profile & update payment info
- Add/Remove vehicle registrations
- Automatic top up - always have a balance to pay
- View and download statements
- Subscribe to off-street parking
Pay as you go
For a 35c convenience fee you can:
- Pay on our app, SMS, Charge-To-Mobile or IVR (phone call)
- Request parking receipts*
- Save card details*
*available with certain payment options only.
See payment option information
Ways you can pay
With Parking Tag, you can park and pay online, using the app, SMS, Charge to Mobile, IVR (phone call), or in a Payzone store.
Before you start
Check signage
Always check local signage before you confirm the zone you intend to park in, and any local parking restrictions.
Zones are defined by colours or by letters.
Benefits of parking with Parking Tag
Cashless, paperless parking
Parking Spaces
SMS reminders
Auto account top up
Accessible parking locations
Park again

Off-street parking
Park in Ireland’s major car parks
Account holders can subscribe and get cashless, ticketless parking in multi storey car parks nationwide using a toll tag or your vehicle registration.
What can we help you with
Do I need to be registered to use Payzone Parking app?
No. If you park regularly, we recommend registering for an account and parking via the app. However, we also have unregistered options in-app and online. Read about our parking options here.
How do I register for a parking account?
Download our mobile application. It is available on both Android and iOS.
You can also register for an account on our website.
How do I know what parking zone I am in?
In Dublin City parking zones are colour coded and all other councils use letters. You must always check local signage/meters to confirm your zone and that you are in a Payzone parking location.
Do I need a ticket or a tag to park?
Payzone’s parking service does not require you to obtain or display a ticket.
For on-street parking, a tag is not required. The warden validates your parking session by checking your vehicle registration plate.
If you are parking in some of our off-street car park locations a tag is required.
Find more information about our off-street service here.
Do I need to use the parking meter?
No, our online and in-app parking services cancel out the need for you to use the parking meter.
Do I need to be near my vehicle to park?
No, you can pay for parking from wherever you are using your mobile phone as long as you know the zone you have parked in. Please note that the GPS locations on the mobile application are only a guide. You must confirm your parking location by checking local signage.
What are the charges to use the Parking service?
You can find all of our parking related charges here.